以下是各家建筑师事务所加上设计工作室的网站链接,以英文字母作为分类,依序排列: 24H Architecture http://www.24h-archi 2BXL (林友寒 Yu-Han Michael Lin + Roland Bondzio + Martin Behet) http://www.2bxl.com/ 3RW Architects http://www.3rw.no/ 3XNielsen A/S http://www.3xn.dk/ A69 Architects http://a69.cz/ Abalos & Herreros http://www.abalos-he A+B Design Group 大涵学乙设计工程有限公司(邱文杰+庄学能) http://www.abplus.co Acconci Studio http://www.acconci.c Adjaye/Associates http://www.adjaye.co Akira Yoneda http://www.architect Alejandro Aravena http://www.elemental Alessandro Mendini (Atelier Mendini) http://www.atelierme Ali Rahim and Hina Jamelle – Contemporary Architecture Practice http://www.c-a-p.net Allied Works Architecture http://www.alliedwor Alsop http://www.alsoparch Alvar Aalto(阿尔托基金会) http://www.alvaraalt Amoretti & Calvi Associati http://www.amorettic Antoine Predock Architect(普雷多克) http://www.predock.c Antoine Predock Architect http://www.predock.c anton garcia abril & ensamble studio http://www.ensamble. Antoni Gaudí(高迪) http://www.gaudiclub Aoki Jun 青木淳 http://www.aokijun.c Arata Isozaki & Associates | 矶崎新 http://www.c-channel archi-radio 五十岚太郎((Taro Igarashi)策划 http://archi-radio.r Archi - Tectonics http://www.archi-tec Architecture-Studio(法国工作室) http://www.architect Architecture studio himma http://www.himma.co. Architektur Consult ZT Gmbh http://www.archconsu Architektur Consult ZT Gmbh http://www.archconsu Arkitektfirmaet C.F. Mψller http://www.cfmoller. Arquitectonica http://www.arquitect Arthur Erickson http://www.arthureri Asklund & Jansson http://www.asklundja Assadi & Pulido Architects (FELIPE ASSADI) http://www.felipeass Asymptote Architecture http://www.asymptote Atelier FCJZ(张永和) http://www.fcjz.com/ Ateliers Jean Nouvel(努韦尔) http://www.jeannouve Atelier Bow-Wow | 冢本由晴(Yoshiharu Tsukamoto) + 贝岛桃代(Momoyo Kaijima) http://www.bow-wow.j Atsushi Kitagawara Architects Inc. | 北川原温建筑都市研究所 http://www.kitagawar BAR(Bureau voor Architectuur Rotterdam) http://www.bararchit 贝聿明(I. M. Pei ) http://www.pcfandp.c bauhaus(包豪斯) http://www.bauhaus.d Bart Prince http://www.bartprinc Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner http://www.behnisch. Bercy Chen Studio LLP (Thomas Bercy + Calvin Chen 陈伯纬) http://www.bcarc.com Berger+Parkkinen http://www.berger-pa Bernard Tschumi Architects(屈米) http://www.tschumi.c Birds Portchmouth Russum Architects http://www.birdsport Bjarke Ingles Group (由原 PLOT 事务所分出) http://www.big.dk BmasC Architectos http://www.bmasc.es/ Bolles + Wilson http://www.bolles-wi Botta Mario(博塔) http://www.botta.ch Brisac Gonzalez Architects http://www.brisacgon Bureau Vilius & Partneriai http://www.abvp.lt/ Byoungsoo Cho Architects http:// Cesar Pelli & Associates - Architects(佩里) http://www.cesar-pel C. F. Mψllers Tegnestue http://www.ark-cfmt. Charles Correa Associates(克里亚) http://www.charlesco Chris Bosse http://www.chrisboss Christian de Portzamparc http://www.chdeportz Chris Lee + Kapil Gupta http://www.chris-lee Christoff:Finio Architecture http://www.christoff Cho Slade Architecture http://www.choslade. CitiCrafts 建筑作坊(曾成德 + 何东光 + 卢泽彦) http://www.citicraft Concrete Architects Associates http://www.concretea Coop Himmelblau(蓝天组) http://www.coop-himm David Chipperfield http://www.davidchip Daniel Libeskind http://www.daniel-li de Architekten Cie 建筑师事务所 http://www.cie.nl/ dECOi http://www.newitalia Dellekamp Arquitectos 建筑师事务所 http://www.dellekamp Design Office http://www.dodesigno Diller + Scofidio http://www.dillersco DOMINIQUE PERRAULT ARCHITECTE http://www.perraulta Eduardo Souto De Moura http:// Emilio Ambasz and Associates, Inc. http://www.ambasz.co eisenman(艾森曼) http://www.eisenmana Eric Owen Moss http://www.ericowenm Evan Douglis Studio http://www.evandougl Exilhäuser Architects (Exilhauser Architects) http://www.exilhaeus Fabio Novembre http://www.novembre. Farjadi Architects (Homa Farjadi) http://www.farjadi.c Fcjz(非常建筑) http://www.fcjz.com FDArchitects (chris h. dondorp + ingrid b. furgler) http://www.fdarchite LAR/ Fernando Romero http://www.laborator FOA-Foreign Office Architects http://www.f-o-a.net Foster and Partners(福斯特) http://www.fosterand Fox & Fowle Architects http://www.foxfowle. frank lloyd wright(莱特) http://www.franklloy Frederick Fisher and Partners http://www.fisherpar Fuksas http://www.fuksas.it F-U-R http://www.f-u-r.de/ Future Systems http://www.future-sy Garofalo Architects http://www.garofalo. Gensler http://www.gensler.c Gert Wingårdh (Gert Wingardh) http://www.wingardhs Greg Lynn FORM http://www.glform.co Gigon / Guyer(吉贡+古耶) http://www.gigon-guy GMA Gluckman Mayner Architects http://www.gluckmanm Grimshaw Nicholas and Partner(格雷母·肖) http://www.grimshaw- Gus Wustemann http://www.guswustem Gwathmey Siegel & Associates http://www.gwathmey- Hal Ingberg Architecte http://www.halingber Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates, LLP http://www.hhpa.com/ Heikkinen-Komonen Architects http://www.heikkinen Henning Larsen Tegnestue http://www.hlt.dk/ Hideo Nishiyama & Associates, Architects 西山英夫建筑环境研究所 http://www.hn-aa.com Atelier Hitoshi Abe 阿部仁史 http://www.a-slash.j HOK http://www.hok.com IaN+ http://www.ianplus.i Ian Ritchie http://www.ianritchi I.M. Pei 贝聿铭 http://www.pcfandp.c Ingenhoven Architekten http://www.ingenhove ITERAE Architecture http://www.iterae.co JDS: Julien de Smedt (由原 PLOT 事务所分出) http://www.jdsarchit Jean Nouvel http://www.jeannouve Jo Coenen & co http://www.jocoenen. John Pawson http://www.johnpawso John Ronan http://www.jrarch.co Junya Ishigami Associates | 石上纯也建筑设计事务所 http://www.jnyi.jp/ Juurlink & Geluk http://www.jeng.nl/ http://www.juurlinke Josef Paul Kleihues http://www.kleihues. Arkkitehtitoimisto K2S Oy | K2S Architects Ltd. http://www.k2s.fi/ Klein Dytham architecture http://www.klein-dyt Kengo Kuma & Associates http://www.kkaa.co.j Keven Kennon Architect http://www.kkarchite KHR AS Arkitekter http://www.khras.dk/ King Roselli Architetti http://www.kingrosel Koning Eizenberg Architecture http://www.kearch.co KPF http://www.kpf.com Kisho Kurokawa Architects & Associates(黑川纪章) http://www.kisho.co. KSA金光裕建筑师事务所 http://www.ksarch.co Kumiko Inui 干久美子 http://www.inuiuni.c Kunio Mayekawa (前川国男) http://www.greatbuil Kuth / Ranieri Architects http://www.kuthranie Lab architecture studio http://www.labarchit Langlands & Bell http://www.langlands Latz · Riehl · Partner Landschaftsarchitekten http://www.riehl-lar Leeser Architecture http://www.leeser.co Le Corbusier(柯布基金会) http://www.fondation Lewis.Tsurumaki.Lewis http://www.ltlwork.n libeskind(里伯斯金德) http://www.daniel-li Lighting Architects: Spiers & Major http://www.lightarch Luce et Studio Architects http://www.lucestudi Lunde & Lψvseth Arkitekter AS http://www.lundeoglo Ludwig Mies van der Rohe(密斯基金会) http://www.miesbcn.c Machado and Silvetti Associates http://www.machado-s Luis Mansilla & Emilio Tuñón http://www.mansilla- MAP Arquitectos http://www.mateo-map Maki & Associates http://www.maki-and- Mario Botta http://www.botta.ch/ Masaki Endoh / EDH | 远藤设计室 http://www.edh-web.c Massimiliano Fuksas http://www.fuksas.it Massimo Russo http://www.massimoru Mark Lintott Design 林马克 http://www.mld-desig Maxwan http://www.maxwan.co medusa group architekci http://www.medusagro Meixner Schlüter Wendt Architekten (Meixner Schluter Wendt Architect) http://www.meixner-s Menos é Mais http://www.menosemai Meyer en Van Schooten http://www.meyer-van McCormac Jamieson Prichard http://www.mjparchit Michael McDonough http://www.michaelmc Michael Graves & Associates(格雷夫斯) http://www.michaelgr Michael Sorkin Studio http://www.sorkinstu Michel Rojkind/Rojkind Arquitectos http://www.rojkindar Mike Smith Studio http://mikesmithstud Mitnick Roddier Hicks http://www.mitnickro Moore Ruble Yudell http://www.moorerubl Morphosis(梅恩) http://www.morphosis Moshe Safdie Associates http://www.msafdie.c Murphy/Jahn, Inc. Architects http://www.murphyjah MVRDV http://www.mvrdv.arc NAP 建筑设计事务所 | Hiroshi Nakamura & NAP Architects(中村拓志) http://www.nakam.inf nARCHITECTS http://www.narchitec Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners http://www.ngrimshaw NIO Architecten http://www.nio.nl/ NoA Architecten http://www.noa-archi Nolaster http://www.nolaster. Norihiko Dan & Associates | 团纪彦建筑师事务所 http://www.dan-n.co. NOX http://www.noxarch.c Ocean D http://www.oceand.co Ocean North http://www.ocean-nor OFIS http://www.ofis-a.si OMA-Office for Metropolitan Architecture(Rem Koolhaas)(库哈斯) http://www.oma.nl/ Paolo Soleri. Arcosanti http://www.arcosanti Paul Andreu http://www.paul-andr Patterns (Marcelo Spina) http://www.p-a-t-t-e Penezic & Rogina http://www.penezic-r Peter Behrens(贝伦斯) http://www.tu-harbur Peter Cook http://www.petercook Philip Johnson(菲利浦·约翰逊) http://www.pjar.com Philippe Starck http://www.philippe- Piano Renzo(伦佐·皮亚诺) http://rpbw.r.ui-pro Plasma Studio http://www.plasmastu PLOT http://www.plot.dk/ Polshek Partnership Architects http://www.polshek.c PTW http://www.ptw.com.a Querkraft http://www.querkraft Rafael Vinoly Architects http://www.rvapc.com Ralph Erskine http://www.erskine.s RAMTV http://www.ramtv.org raumlabor_berlin http://www.raumlabor REISER+UMEMOTO http://www.reiser-um René van Zuuk Architekten (Rene van Zuuk Architect) http://www.renevanzu Renzo Piano Building Workshop http://www.renzopian Ricardo Bofill http://www.bofill.co Richard Meier & Partners(迈耶) http://www.richardme Richard Rogers Partnership(罗杰斯) http://www.richardro Rojkind Arquitectos (Michel Rojkind) http://www.rojkindar RoTo Architects http://www.rotoark.c Reiser + Umemoto RUR Architecture PC(Jesse Reiser + Nanako Umemoto ) http://www.reiser-um Riken Yamamoto | 山本理显设计工场 http://www.riken-yam Sanaksenaho Architects (Sanaksenaho Arkkitehdit Oy) http://personal.eune http://www.kolumbus. Santiago Calatrava (卡拉特拉瓦) http://www.calatrava Sauerbruch Hutton architects http://www.sauerbruc Schmidt, Hammer & Lassen http://www.shl.dk/ SeARCH(Bjarne Mastenbroek, Uda Visser, David Gianotten) http://www.searcharc Seung h-sang & IROJE architecs and planners | 履露斋 | 承孝相 http://www.iroje.com Shigeru Ban Architects | 阪茂 http://www.shigeruba Shusaku Arakawa + Madeline Gins | 荒川修作 + マドリン・ギンズ http://www.architect Singapore Architect 新加坡建筑师杂志 新加坡建筑师杂志为发行38年历史之建筑专业杂志,其内容涵括了文化资产奖、新加坡建筑、亚洲建筑等 http://www.singapore Skidmore Owings & Merrill, LLP http://www.som.com/ Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects http://www.smharch.c ShoP/Sharples Holden Pasquarelli http://www.shoparc.c Shuhei Endo Architect Institute (远藤秀平) http://www2c.airnet. Skidmore Owings & Merrill, LLP http://www.som.com/ SOM http://www.som.com Steven Holl Architects(霍尔) http://www.stevenhol Snψhetta http://www.snoarc.no Snøhetta (Snohetta) http://www.snoarc.no Studio Granda http://www.studiogra Studio Luz Architects http://www.studioluz Studio Pei-Zhu | 朱培 http://www.studiopei Studio SUMO http://www.studiosum studio sputnik http://www.studiospu Sψren Robert Lund Arkitekter http://www.srlarkite Subarquitectura http://www.subarquit tadao ando http://www.tadaoando Taira Nishizawa Architects | 西沢大良建筑师事务所(西泽大良) http://www.japan-arc Tange Kenzo(丹下健三) http://www.ktaweb.co TAKASHI YAMAGUCHI & ASSOCIATES | 山口隆建筑研究所 http://www.yamaguchi Taro Igarashi Lab | 五十岚太郎研究室 http://www.archi.toh TEN Arquitectos http://www.ten-arqui Tezuka Architects | 手冢贵晴+手冢由比(手冢建筑研究所) http://www.tezuka-ar The next ENTERprise http://www.thenexten thomas jomini & associates architecture workshop http://www.thomasjom TNA:Takei Nabeshima Architects (Makoto Takei 武井诚 + Chie Nabeshima 锅岛千惠) http://www.tna-arch. TONERICO:INC. (米谷ひろし YONEYA HIROSHI +君冢贤 KIMIZUKA KEN +増子由美 MASUKO YUMI) http://www.tonerico- Toyo Ito(伊东丰雄) http://www.toyo-ito. TWBTA http://www.twbta.com 3XNielsen A/S http://www.3xn.dk/ UnSangDong Architects | 韵生同建筑师事务所 http://www.usdspace. UN STUDIO http://www.unstudio. Urbanus Architecture & Design Utzon Arkitekter http://www.utzon-ark Venturi, Scott Brown & Associates http://www.vsba.com/ Victor Horta(霍塔) http://www.hortamuse Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter http://www.vlark.dk/ Vincent Guallart Architects (Guallart Vincente) http://www.guallart. Vlado Milunic http://www.arch.cz/m vsba(文丘里) http://www.vsba.com walter-gropius(格罗彼乌斯) http://www.walter-gr West8 http://www.west8.nl/ White Arkitekter http://www.white.se/ wiel arets(阿雷兹) http://www.wielarets Wilkinson Eyre Architects http://www.wilkinson Wingardh Arkitektkontor http://www.wingardhs Work Architecture Company(Dan Wood + Amale Andraos) http://www.work.ac/ 吴威震建筑室内设计 http://www.w-w-z.com Xefirotarch http://www.xefirotar Yoshio Taniguchi and Associates | 谷口吉生 http:// YUKO NAGAYAMA & ASSOCIATES 永山佑子 建筑设计(YUKONAGAYAMA) http://www1.odn.ne.j Zaha M Hadid(哈迪德) http://www.zaha-hadi Zeidler Partnership Architects(加拿大蔡德勒建筑师事务所) http://www.zeidlerpa Zvi Hecker http://www.zvihecker 发布:admin | 分类:行业动态 | 浏览:4820
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